
The polysemic space: a reading of the narrative "Retábulo de Santa Joana", by Osman Lins

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Osman Lins, heir of Flauberian formal austerity, weaves destabilizing narratives, whose senses break with the expectations of the reader, offering a multiplicity of voices within internalized spaces that assume a semantic value in the constitution of the social beings that are in it. “Retábulo de Santa Joana”, one of the most intriguing narratives of Nove, novena, presents physical and symbolic spaces that merge and intertwine in function of a polysemy of meanings that induces us to delve into this emblematic montage of voices that situate their conflicts, assigning them a cosmic dimension. For theoretical support, we will follow the Bakhtinian studies, those developed by Borges Filho and those of Osman Lins himself.

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Osman Lins


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